One of my things I enjoy most in this world is pancakes. And one of the activities I enjoy the most is camping. So put them together and you have a very happy Bradee camper. On a recent camping trip to Snowy Range Wyoming, I was determined to make the most epic camping pancakes of all time. While the process wasn’t necessarily pretty (storm rolling in, 4 dogs running around trying to lick the pan, and a fire ban limiting our cooking methods), the end result was a dream. So although I don’t typically share recipes on here, I thought I’d get a little creative and show you my recipe for Caramelized Banana Pancakes and tips for making them while camping!
*Scale amount to the size of your group*
Ingredient list: bananas, caramel sauce, coconut oil pan spray, Kodiak Cakes Vegan Pancake Mix, Walnuts, optional nut butter topping
For ease, I put together this little snapshot of the ingredients AND cooking steps for you to save to your phone if you plan on making these on your next camping trip!
Tips for making while camping:
- Consider your cooking device. At first, I attempted to make these using a jet oil and a pan. The issue with this methodology is that the heat source was too directly in the middle of the pan, burning the middle of the pancake and leaving the rest runny/uncooked. I would definitely recommend using a portable Coleman stove or something similar. This worked wayyyy better for making the pancakes!
- Don’t skip the spray. Even if you opt out of the coconut oil spray listed in the ingredients, bring something to grease up the pan unless you want a true nightmare while making the pancakes
- Pack down the ingredients. I brought the Carmel sauce and walnuts in tiny mason jars for easier packing. Tiny nut butter packets are also a great option!
- It may not be pretty 😂. Cooking in the outdoors can present some struggles (as I listed above). Focus on the taste, not necessarily the presentation!
Why I love this recipe for adventuring in the outdoors: One thing I get asked all the time is how to make health a priority while camping every weekend in the summer. The truth is, it is unfortunately pretty easy to fill up on junk while camping. Prioritizing health, which makes me FEEL so much better while being active, takes a bit more planning/prep, but it’s worth it. Otherwise those gas station burritos become extremely tempting 😅 So whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, you CAN eat healthfully while camping, just be sure to take the time to plan. If you’re able to bring a cooler, bring fresh food options, quality protein sources and skip the more processed junk when you can. Don’t get me wrong, I have my fair share of indulgences, but I still try to stick with a general 80/20 rule even when camping since I do it so often (80% healthy choices/20% fun choices). These pancakes are a great way to start your day if you plan on being active outside. You’ll get good quality protein from the Kodiak cakes (yes, even the vegan kind), good carbs from the banana and healthy fats from the walnuts!! If you are trying to make these especially healthy, just go light on the caramel sauce and skip the optional nut butter topping.
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did!!! 😊
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